Forex Trading For Your future
What are the main markets in the world? Your first thought probably went right to the stock market, where individuals can invest in major corporations, buy government bonds, invest in institutional mutual funds, or throw their money at an exciting new technology startup. The stock market is not, however, the biggest market in the world. Ok you say, gas is pretty expensive these days so it must be the commodities market, where commodity traders buy and sell things as diverse as oil, gas, live cattle and coffee. In reality however, neither of these markets is the largest. The largest market in the world, based on cash value traded, is the forex, or foreign exchange, market. Various estimates state that the average daily value of forex trading is between $2 trillion and $3 trillion a day. That, needless to say, is a lot of money.Where do you go for forex trading?There is no centralized market organization for forex trading like the NYSE or the London Commodity Exchange. The forex market is a largely unregulated market that occurs whenever foreign currencies are traded with one another.Who is involved in forex trading?Since there is no centralized market for foreign exchange trading, forex trading is a rather pricey club to join. For practical purposes, you have to be a major institutional presence to effectively make forex trades. Because of the requirement to have huge amounts of cash, the primary players in the forex market are banks. Banks make up the unofficial core of the forex market. This is the inter-bank market, where massive investment banks trade billions of dollars worth of currencies back and forth. Central banks, (such as the U.S. Federal Reserve or the Bank of Canada), also play an important role as they intervene in the forex market to help control the price of their own currencies. Increasingly, hedge funds and other investment firms with significant holdings are becoming involved in this market.Can individuals participate in the forex market?Because large institutions such as banks dominate the forex trading scene, it is hard for individuals to get involved in the market. Indeed, retail investors make up a negligible amount of the market. Of course, given the size of the forex market, retail investing still accounts for as much as $50 billion a day, (and is growing each year), which is by no means small change. However, because forex trading is largely unregulated, investors should be careful before putting any money into the market. A large number of scams have come out in recent years promising access to the inter-bank market. As always, be sure you know what you are investing in before you give your hard earned money to someone else to invest. What currencies are traded on the forex market?A small number of currencies dominate the forex trading. The most heavily traded currency is the United States dollar. While the dominance of the United States dollar was once unassailable, it is now being challenged by the Eurozone euro, and the Japanese yen is still a very strong player. Rounding out the other major currencies are the British pound sterling, the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar.